Newborn Hearing Screening
All babies born in Ontario are eligible to have their hearing tested. For most babies, this is done on the postpartum ward of the hospital at some point in the first day of life. If your baby is born at home, or if you choose to be discharged home early from hospital following the birth of your baby, this hearing test must be arranged by you.
For parents with a Mississauga address, the hearing screen is performed at ErinoakKids, and can be arranged by calling 905-855-2690 (select option 3).
For parents with a Toronto address, the hearing screen is arranged through Surrey Place, and can be done here:
If you plan to have your baby's hearing screened, it is important to arrange an appointment before the baby is four months old.
For parents with a Mississauga address, the hearing screen is performed at ErinoakKids, and can be arranged by calling 905-855-2690 (select option 3).
For parents with a Toronto address, the hearing screen is arranged through Surrey Place, and can be done here:
If you plan to have your baby's hearing screened, it is important to arrange an appointment before the baby is four months old.